Huawei Set to Launch Mate 40 Phone Series on Oct. 22

Huawei announced, shortly after Apple’s iPhone 12 release, that its new flagship lineup, the Mate 40 series, will debut on Oct. 22, heralding the heated competition between the two rivals.

The teaser offered a sneak peek of the smartphone’s rear side, including what seems like an octagon-shaped camera setup, which comes as a surprise to fans as the Mate 40 was rumored to retain its predecessor’s round module with four camera lenses. Huawei’s high-end smartphones have a history of pioneering innovative camera setups, such as the Mate 20 series’ Porsche Design and the Mate 30’s SuperSensing Cine Camera, the unprecedented octagon-shaped camera design is still a revolutionary move.

As the 10thgeneration of Huawei’s first-class flagship, the Mate 40 represents the Chinese tech giant’s most powerful hardware and software capacity. The new series is expected to have the latest generation of its Kirin 9000 chips, which will power the phone’s wireless 5G and stronger AI capacity. But the Kirin 9000 chips could become extinct since the US imposed sanctions against Huawei in May, ordering chipmakers around the world to stop shipping semiconductors to Huawei.

Performance will be central to the competition between the two tech behemoths. In terms of the 5G sector, Apple’s first 5G iPhone 12 can hardly compare to Huawei’s leading status in the global 5G game. Meanwhile, Apple’s swift iOS system has the undeniable edge. Overall, fans can expect a tight match.

SEE ALSO: Huawei is China’s Most Valuable Consumer Electronics Company, Followed by Xiaomi and Vivo: Hurun Report

In addition to the launch of its new Mate 40 series smartphone, the Chinese smartphone maker will also introduce its wireless headphones, FreeBuds Studio, and other new products.