app store

मोल का विश्व मोबाइल गेम चीनी ऐप स्टोर में सबसे ऊपर है, जो सहस्राब्दी और जेड पीढ़ी से उदासीनता को आकर्षित करता है

नए जारी किए गए मोबाइल गेम "द मोल्स वर्ल्ड" ने 1 जून को अपनी रिलीज के बाद से एक सप्ताह के लिए चीन में ऐप स्टोर की मुफ्त डाउनलोड सूची में शीर्ष स्थान हासिल किया है, जो "ग्लोरी ऑफ द किंग्स" और "गार्जियन ऑफ पीस एलीट" को पछाड़ रहा है।

Chinese Apps Become Popular Overseas

Chinese apps are popular overseas, especially in Russia, America and Japan last quarter. Tool, photography and video apps are the most popular ones. In Russia, the top 250 apps in the two largest stores—— App Store and Google Play enjoy over 222 million downloads, among which about 17.88 million comes from Chinese apps, with a […]

Apple tax won’t influence live-streaming platforms

Abstract: Apple has canceled the 30% “Apple tax” once attacked by domestic application developers that provide content service. Recently, the updated Apple Store Review Guidelines showed that Apps may enable individual users to give a monetary gift to another individual without using in-app purchase, provided that (a) the gift is a completely optional choice by […]

Silicon Valley’s China Paradox

Li Zhifei has spent his professional career cross-pollinating the world’s two most vibrant innovation ecosystems. Born in central China at the dawn of reform and opening, Li graduated college in China and dove headfirst into the country’s dot com boom of the early 2000s. When that bubble burst, he headed to Johns Hopkins University for […]

Tencent’s dream to beat Toutiao

On March 24th, when Tencent announced COO Mark Ren as the new president of Online Media Group (OMG), it heralded a new era for Tencent to compete with Toutiao, a news cluster App which claims 600 million users in China. For Mark Ren, starting a new with a clean slate, this move had been in […]